Funded Projects

  • Engineering Post-Quantum Cryptography (EPOQUE) (Oct 2018—Dec 2023): European Research Council, , ERC StG 805031

    ERC Starting Grant, Peter Schwabe

  • A solid theory for post-quantum cryptography (May 2021—May 2026): Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO), NWO-Talentprogramma Vidi ENW 2019, VI.Vidi.193.066

    Vidi Grant, Andreas Hülsing

Funders and Supporters

The European Research Council logoThe France 2030 logoThe Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek logo


The CASA Cluster of Excellence logoThe Eindhoven University of Technology logoThe HochSchule RheinMain logoThe IMDEA Software Institute logoThe INESC TEC logoThe Inria logoThe Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy logoThe PQShield logoThe SandboxAQ logoThe University of Bristol logoThe University of Melbourne logoThe University of Porto logo